
The Yakama Fire Management is looking for interested parties to assist in suppression, and support of wildland fires. Interested parties will be placed in a call when needed status. Call up will be for tour of duty only. This is not a permanent position. Fire is a complex, dynamic, and often unpredictable phenomenon. Firefighting requires mobilizing a complex organization that includes management, command, support, and fire suppression personnel, as well as aircraft, vehicles, machinery, and communications equipment. While the magnitude and complexity of the fire itself and of the human suppression response to it will vary, the fact that fire suppression operations are inherently dangerous will never change. The Yakama Nation Fire Management Program recognizes the importance and need for Emergency Firefighter (EFF) as an integral component of our emergency incident work force.


Fire Assignment
Standard assignment length is up to 14 days, exclusive of travel from and to home unit, with possible extensions. Time spent in staging and preposition status counts toward the 14-day limit, for all personnel. The pay rate for this position is a flat rate of $17.40 per hour. (2011 rate)


This will require basic firefighter class (s-130/190). When the firefighter completes the class certification is issued annually in the form of an Incident Qualification Card (Red Card), which certifies that the individual is qualified to perform in a specified position.


Work Capacity Test
The Arduous Pack Test consists of carrying a 45 lb pack 3 miles, in under, 45 min. The work capacity test will be administered after successful completion of a physical examination. (If required physical).


Contact Information
Yakama Nation Fire Management (509) 865-6653